Someday it All Makes Sense, as shown on 3 December 2024

There is no objective truth in memory. There are only projections, illusions, and one’s fictionalized “understandings”. When we think of the self we like to think that there is a cohesive narrative and objective truth we can point at and say “This is me”, but one will likely find countless moments, people, and details lost to time or fabricated by the mind. The self is a fractured whole, made up of an infinitely complex and shifting web of experiences and recollections. This project has been an exploration of that subconscious process we undergo to reflect and understand our lives.
For some time I have been making and taking pictures of my everyday life with no rhyme or reason other than something about that scene elicited an emotion. There is no order to these pictures, no real purpose, no true narrative. The images exist beyond such constraints. 
In this project I photograph the people I love, the spaces I am around, my joy, fears, queerness, silence, noise, anger, lust, regret until each image is no longer documentary but instead a poetic part to a beautifully arbitrary collection. As I age and add to this archive, each revisit and iteration of the slideshow becomes a new attempt at reformulating an understanding to some deeper essence.

Someday it All Makes Sense, as shown on 9 May 2024

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